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Savings Rates 

Effective Date: January 1, 2025
AccountDividend RateAPY*Minimum balance required to earn the stated APY
Prime Shares 0.15% 0.15% $100.00
Vacation, Christmas, Special,Insurance, Kirby Kangaroo® Club, & CU Succeed® Savings 0.15% 0.15% None
IRA Shares & Education Savings 0.50% 0.50% None
Money Market
Balance $2,500-$24,999 1.10% 1.11% $2,500.00
Balance $25,000-$49,999 1.20% 1.21% $25,000.00
Balance $50,000-$99,999 1.40% 1.41% $50,000.00
Balance $100,000-$249,999 1.60% 1.61% $100,000.00
Balance $250,000 or more 2.50% 2.56% $250,000.00
Share Rates and APY's listed above are accurate for the dividend period ending 12/31/2024.  Money Market Rates and APY's listed are accurate for the dividend period ending 12/31/2024.  Dividend rates and APY's for future periods have not been determined.  Rates subject to change without notice. Fees may reduce earnings on these accounts. The dividend period for all accounts is quarterly, except for Money Market account which is monthly. Please contact the Credit Union at (502) 459-8981 in Louisville or (270) 781-4365 in Bowling Green or at 1-800-459-2328 regarding any questions or current rate information.  Accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government.

Share Certificate Accounts
Effective Date: March 1, 2025
TermDividend RateAPY*Regular Accounts Education Savings Roth or Traditional IRAs

Minimum Balance Required to Earn the Stated APY

3 Month 1.50% 1.53% $500.00 N/A N/A
6 Month 4.40% 4.54% $500.00 N/A N/A
12 Month 3.50% 3.60% $500.00 $500.00 $1,000
18 Month 3.50% 3.60% $500.00 N/A N/A
24 Month 3.45% 3.54% $500.00 $500.00 $1,000
30 Month 3.25% 3.34% $500.00 N/A N/A
36 Month 3.25% 3.34% $500.00 $500.00 $1,000
42 Month 3.25% 3.34% $500.00 N/A N/A
48 Month 3.45% 3.54% $500.00 $500.00 $1,000
60 Month 3.45% 3.54% $500.00 $500.00 $1,000

*APY= Annual Percentage Yield

IRA and Coverdell Education Certificate accounts are only available for 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 month terms.

The rates listed are the most recent offered in the previous 7 day period and are subject to change without notice. A penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal. The dividend period for all accounts is quarterly.  Please contact the Credit Union at (502) 459-8981 in Louisville or (270) 781-4365 in Bowling Green or at 1-800-459-2328 regarding any questions or current rate information.  Accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government.

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